Success Story: WIOA

When the One-Stop began working with Victoria, she had not held full time employment since 2001. She reported that she used to work in the nursing field 30 years ago, but only worked on and off cashiering over the last fifteen years. When the One Stop case manager met with Victoria, her appearance was disheveled and she had significant dental issues which affected her professional appearance. Victoria expressed an interest in obtaining job training for EKG/ Phlebotomy in order to re-enter the industry she once worked in and enjoyed. The One-Stop case manager referred Victoria for a Test of Adult Basic Skills (TABE) where she scored below the 6th grade level in reading and math. In order to increase her proficiency so that she could successfully attend and complete training, she was referred to the Workforce Learning Link for basic skills tutoring. Victoria showed great initiative and motivation while receiving services through the Learning Link and was able to significantly increase her literacy and numeracy skills and was now in a place where she could truly benefit from training. With the guidance and support for her One Stop case manager, Victoria applied and was accepted to the Academy for Allied Health Sciences in its EKG/ Phlebotomy program.

Victoria worked hard and successfully completed the program, which was funded through a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training grant. Soon after program completion, she found employment at a local hospital using the skills and certifications she obtained in training. Once employed, Victoria was able to address her dental needs and now exudes a more confident and professional appearance. Victoria reports that she is very happy and grateful for the opportunity that she was given for a second chance through the Greater Raritan One Stop.

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