Staff, members and partners of the Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board are constantly collecting data to understand the impact of services and programs upon the stakeholders being helped.
This interactive performance dashboard provides information on applicants that use our various services.
As you go through each page, you can see more details by hovering or clicking on any chart in the report. (Here’s a usage tip: when you click on the number of the bottom of the report, the title of every slides appears, so it’s easier to find what you are looking for.) This document will continue to evolve over the course of our program year (July 1st to June 30th) and exploration is encouraged. If you have questions or suggestions, just email
This performance dashboard below shows how the annual $3.9 million budget has been spent. Just like in the dashboard above, the program year runs from July 1st to June 30th and some of the funding streams have one-year time frames and others have two-year time frames.
The title of each page indicates the funding streams and the columns on each page show how the funds are divided up to pay for administrative and program responsibilities, including contracted services. Each bar within every report is structured the same way:
- The figure on the top of each bar indicates the total amount budgeted
- Activity indicates the amount spent
- Encumbered indicates the amount allocated for a service but not yet paid
- Balance indicates the amount of money left after subtracting the activity and encumbrances from the budget.
This dashboard is designed to be a transparent way for the community to understand how GRWDB programs and services are supported financially. GRWDB board members and staff also are using the tool as a way to track expenses during the program year and be able to adapt as needed to provide services to job seekers and employers in Hunterdon and Somerset Counties.
If you have any questions, please email
2021 Somerset County Board of County Commissioners
Shanel Y. Robinson, Director
Melonie Marano, Deputy Director
Paul Drake, Commissioner
Douglas Singleterry, Commissioner
Sara Sooy, Commissioner
2021 Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners
John E. Lanza, Director
Zachary T. Rich, Deputy Director
J. Matthew Holt, Commissioner
Susan Soloway, Commissioner
Shaun C. Van Doren, Commissioner