Success Story: Using the GRWDB’s Supportive Services Policy
A Hunterdon County resident worked at a small business, providing administrative and human resource functions along with filling many other different roles as needed. When she was laid off, she began applying to jobs that matched her experience and found that she was not receiving any interest. She had the experience but lacked any industry recognized credential or formal training to show potential employers her true skills. Working with a Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Training Center Career Navigator, the job seeker determined that her background and interests most matched Human Resources type jobs and decided to pursue the Professional Human Resource (PHR) Certification from Rutgers University.
After finishing her training there was an out-of-pocket cost of $495.00 to complete the certification exam. Supportive service funding set aside by the Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board enable system partners to assist clients with such costs as exams. This funding was used to pay for the certification exam, which the job seeker passed. Soon after she obtained a full-time job in Human Resources making more than she had at her previous job.